Welcome to the Faux Fur Show

I was INCREDIBLY bored yesterday and decided to peruse the local mall to see what’s happening in suburb fashion – and also to people-watch. SO! I’ve discovered that current fashion can be diluted to faux fur & sequins.   

It’s like the 70s, but with a better color scheme.

Also, I’ve finally figured out how to attach photos to blog posts!! It’s probably sad that, as a member of the millennial generation, it took me 3 4 5 months to figure it out.

Anywhoozles! Attached is a photo (one of many to come) of me, dressed in what I like to wear. After all, that’s what fashion blogs are all about, yes? NO!! Well, not entirely.

First, check out this dope Babbage Engine behind me. Also

Here’s your basic light pink, kinda stringy, faux fur jacket that I bought on super sale!! Very proud of it. Still in the I-Will-Wear-This-Pink-Furry-Thing-Forever-I’m-In-Love mood, despite my lovely father’s dubbing of it as my “alternative Chewbacca” coat.

Paired with a black tank top (1/2 crop top, 1/2 not) that used to belong to my grandma and is technically a sweater vest, waaaay comfy sweatpant-legging things with a heather stripe, and black t-strap heels I got in France a couple summers ago.

NUGGET –  Statement pieces, like my pink alternative Chewbacca jacket, are fabulous and just fun to wear. I think they’re best showcased on a day-to-day basis when worn with a plain outfit which highlights the piece.

Just to kick it off (what is “it”? I don’t know!), I’ve always thought that fashion needs more funny in it – so here’s one of me goofing off (i.e. my natural state). I hope y’all are having a fantastic Monday, and that the rest of your weeks are increasingly brilliant! Coincidentally, this photo highlights the pantish-pant’s stripe along the side which the previous photo forewent.

Mwahahaha! Killing two birds with a terrifying face & difficult posture! Toodles!

Cray 1